Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Psychology (13)

Psychology got its start around 1874 in Germany. Psychology gives temporary answers to our constant inquisitiveness, our thirst for questions, and insatiable curiosity of why we do what we do.
Religion replaced Greek and Roman mythology and ever so slowly Science was beginning to replace religion.
The elite wealthy began to view Religion as the poor man’s education; science, especially psychology,  was for those who were superior; those who could afford the price tag that came with many years of college education.  
But true science is objective investigation (left side of our brain) and behavioral science relies on emotion (the right side of our brain). Scientists argue that Psychology and Behavioral Science is not really a science at all because there are too many variables. When investigating or studying people, we are all different. We have the ability to lie, to mislead, or mask our emotions. An atom, a molecule, a star, can’t manipulate the scientist. A human, however, can.
Most experiments, studies, and theories that the first psychologists and social scientists created have been widely disproven.
 Sigmund Freud, the first well-known psychologist was from Austria (which later became Germany), announced with scientific flourish that humans have specific fears: they are afraid of death, ill health, and long for security, status and safety. That men are constantly striving to improve (for internal satisfaction as well as to improve status). 
This was nothing new…philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle had made the same discoveries long  before but Freud repackaged the message and stated he had ‘Science’ to back it up. Most psychologists and ‘behavioral’ scientists are repackaging ancient philosophers observations in order to gain status and influence.
Freud needed to create something different, he needed something more than a new ‘spin’ on old ideas in order to gain status and credibility, set himself apart from others. He found that something by using sex. In the late 1800’s – talking about sex was taboo, rebellious. Sex in those days was quite mysterious compared to sex these days. Freud claimed he had new revelations about sex. Scintillating, shocking revelations! One theory Freud believed (and convinced) people of…was that every son wanted to sleep with his mother and every daughter wanted to sleep with her father.  His sexual ideas have since been proven wrong and at best, untestable, and have been replaced with new theories.  Freud’s theories were offensively sexist – but he was called an ‘intellectual,’ a doctor: so people naively believed him.

Something That Will Change Your Life
There is a famous quote in advertising: In order to sell the cure, you must first create the disease.
And basically, that is what Freud did. He was a marketer who appealed to our curious nature and offered us explanations not backed by mythology, but backed by ‘studies.’
 He also appealed to our desire for Status – you were “in the know” you were “superior” to others if you rattled off Freud’s studies. If anyone disagreed and questioned Freud’s creepy obsession with sex and children, the questioner was labeled as ignorant, or “out of it.” As I’ve tried to point out in previous chapters, we’ve been conditioned to believe that doctors, indeed, ‘intellectuals’ are much smarter than average “common” humans.
Freud tried to convince us that ‘common’ people have no understanding of our deepest needs and we could not trust our most traditional cultural beliefs.  
But it wasn’t just Freud. John Watson, the founder of behaviorism, proclaimed that free will was an illusion and that our behavior, in the end, was not unlike that of pigeons.
The Psychology scene exploded.
 More and more parents flocked to psychologists in an effort to raise ‘better’ children. The demand  created a new breed of  psychologist: “Child Psychologists.”
With so many child psychologists, I have to wonder how on earth did parents ever raise children for thousands of years without the aid of a behavioral doctor?
With the arrival of child psychologists, many parents no longer listened to their instincts; they relied on books written by doctors of psychology or sociology about how to raise their children because… intellectuals must surely know better than the instincts of a mother or father!
The first child psychologists in the 1900’s advocated being strict, cold; show no emotion. Then along came Benjamin Spock  in 1946 with a book about how to raise babies (I remember this book being on my mother’s book shelf). He went totally in the opposite direction and advised parents to allow children to do anything. Using Spock’s approach, parents began to feed self-indulgence instead of instilling self-control; homes were becoming child-centered. As parents elevated children’s “freedom of expression” and natural cravings, children became more outspoken, defiant and demanding instant gratification. In fact, they came to view gratification as a right.
At the time these psychologist published their books, they were praised and lauded and parents eagerly tried their methods. It was the New Improved Science.
Every few years – a new “scientific” method is discovered – and the old method (which, don’t forget, had been THE ANSWER) is then tossed to the side and mocked and the new ‘discovery’ is celebrated.
Parents and people who disagreed with the “New Science” are ridiculed, labeled old fashioned, stupid, ignorant…after all, what could parents who never went to school know about raising kids?
And so the cycle continues: Psychologists and doctors, come out with BRAND NEW SCIENCE on how to raise kids, or get healthier, or cure disease!
Anything touted by Doctors: advice, books, and articles…instant credibility. For ages, priests and religion guided people, now we are being guided by the superior science/medical community. Every week there is a new book or article with ‘breaking’ new ideas.
Doctors and Scientists are the new priests.

Take these popular “scientifically” proven ideas:
As I write this in the spring of 2015, putting butter in your coffee is now healthy. When, less than a year ago, we were warned that butter would cause our arteries to clog.
Years before that, margarine was the new, smart thing to eat (proven by science!) because it was healthy and better for you. People ‘in the know’ stopped using butter. Then, years after “smart” people had embraced the margarine revolution, NEW studies came out and said “Stop the presses! Chemicals are NOT good for you. Go back to butter!”
But, then butter became a villain yet again as NEW “scientific studies” show that DAIRY is causing harm to our body.
I may have believed this years ago, but after being told every few years that something was bad, then it was good, then it was bad again…I’ve finally realized to listen to my body; not a scientific study that is funded by a manufacturing corporation or a scientist/doctor ‘discovering’ something ‘new and improved”  to guarantee not only will you elevate your status if you believe him, it certainly won’t hurt that you’ll be elevating his status also.

Other odd scientific claims: Coffee beans digested whole by monkeys which are pooped out (yes, you read that correctly, POOPED out), and sold for ridiculous amount of money at high end kitchen stores because the beans (experts claim) offer the best nutrients.  These beans, called  Kopi Luwak, are expensive and cost 359.00 for 16 ounces (at the time of this writing).
We’ll suspend our rational mind, reason, instinct, and logic  – if science, “wellness experts”, doctors, or celebrities tell us so. 
For example fish eggs. Call it caviar and charge ridiculous amounts of money for it and claim it’s a rich man’s delicacy and it becomes a superior status symbol.

We don’t TRUST that we know what is best for us because we’ve been conditioned to believe we are not as worthy or as smart as those born into wealth who could afford to be educated while we common people worked in the fields or ‘blue collar’ jobs.

You are not stupid; you’ve only been conditioned to believe you are.